Op-Eds & Popular Media Articles

Barney K., & Simo, A. V. (2019). Forest-land common in Laos in the twenty-first century: Agrarian capitalism and the non-commodified subsistence guarantee. Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, 25.

Belton, B., Little, D., & Bush, S. (2018, March 8). Let them eat carp: Fish farms are helping to fight hunger. The Conversation.

Bottema, M. (2017, May 11). Experimenting with focus groups. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Bottema, M. (2017, March 16). What are effective means for organizing aquaculture? A sneak preview from the field. Wageningen University News.

Bottema, M. (2019, Jan 30). Environmental risk in aquaculture: What do farmers think? CGIAR: Research Program on Fish Blog.

Bottema, M. (2019, Jul 23). New study examines how aquaculture improvement projects address riskbeyond the farm. CGIAR: Research Program on Fish Blog.

Bush, S. (2015, September 4). Governing fisheries in a placeless environment. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Bush, S. (2015, September 23). Certifying sustainable territories. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Guo, Y. (2016, July 18). Market access is not easy: The case of Dendrobium devonianum Paxt in Longling. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Ha, N. (2018, May 1). Investigating the role of market incentives and local state actors for group forest certification in Vietnam. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Huete, A. (2018, June 25). Motivations to join REDD+ among the Karen of Muang Ang, Chiang Mai. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Kehoe, C. (2016, August 4). Myriad of new directions for environmental governance. New Directions       in Environmental Governance.

King, E. (2017, April 30). Payment for environmental service forest restoration project, Chiang Mai province, Thailand. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Kirarock, R. (2016, March 3). Development of pacifical co-branding in the Parties to the Nauru Agreement. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Marschke, M. (2018, January 24). Forced labour, trafficking persist in Thai fishing fleets: Report [interview]. CBC Radio International.

Maoyot, R. (2017, April 3). Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Upper Thung Jaw Watershed, Hua    Lao Village, Thailand. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Maoyot, R. (2017, May 9). Living with wildfire: Voices from the local community. Voices from the Sylff     Community.

Puts, Y. (2016, February 14). Seafood summit in Malta. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Roberts, K. (2016, February 26). O the unexpected and unplanned. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Sary, M. (2016, June 28). Resource governance in Toul Korki: A case study of community protected areas. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Tran, O. (2016, September 18). Investigating the impacts of fishers reform in Songkhla, Thailand. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Vandergeest, P. & Marschke, M. (2016, June 7). Ending labour abuse at sea. New Mandela.

Wageningen, L. (2016, February 19). The Mekong Delta – Where the magic happens. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Wageningen, L. (2016, November 7). Seafood Certification and ‘the social’. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Wageningen, L. (2019, July 12). The private sector approach in Haiti. The Sustainable Trade Initiative.

Wageningen, L. (2019, April 23). How to farm Tilapia more efficiently?. The Sustainable Trade Initiative.

Wagner, K. (2016, February 27). Photography: Hmong Villae in Lao PDR. Synergy: The Journal of Contemporary Asian Studies.

Wagner, K. (2016, October 17). Ecotourism in Laos. New Directions in Environmental Governance.

Yavanna Puts (2016, August 12). 11th Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture Forum – Asian Food Security in the World. New Directions in Environmental Governance.