Tag Archives: certification

Investigating the Role of Market Incentives and Local State Actors for Group Forest Certification in Vietnam

Kyle Wagner/ May 1, 2018/ Blog/ 0 comments

By: Nga Thi Ha Master of Public Policy Crawford School of Public Policy The Australian National University Canberra, Australia The Vietnamese Government has implemented far reaching policies and programs to increase tree cover by promoting plantation forestry. This has resulted in a current area of 3.4 million ha. of plantations, about half managed by smallholders and this is continuing to

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Market Access is Not Easy: the case of Dendrobium devonianum Paxt in Longling

contributor/ July 18, 2016/ Blog/ 0 comments

Posted on behalf of Yingbin Guo, Master’s Student, Yunnan University I always thought that the market was there and any product could be sold freely but the case of Dendrobium devonianum Paxt in Longling has changed my opinion. Dendrobium is a medical and edible, dual purpose plant, which is said to nourish lungs and stomachs, clear heat and promote fluid, moistening lungs

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The Development of Pacifical Co-Branding in the Parties to the Nauru Agreement

Rodney Kirarock/ March 3, 2016/ Blog/ 0 comments

The Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) have been under the spotlight for the conservation and management of tuna resources in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. As custodians of one of the worlds richest tuna fishing grounds, the PNA have introduced the Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) to cap fishing effort by selling fishing days to distant water fishing nations

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The Mekong Delta – Where the Magic Happens

Lisa Van Wageningen/ February 19, 2016/ Blog/ 0 comments

The main reason why I am in South-East Asia is because I did not like the idea of me writing a thesis on shrimp farming, without ever having seen a shrimp farm. In Vietnam, about 80 percent of the shrimp farms are located in the South. There are some shrimp farms in the centre and the North of the country,

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Dolphin Safe Tuna in Thailand

contributor/ January 20, 2016/ Projects/ 0 comments

SurveyDolphin Safe AEII Thailand Dolphin Safe as a certification program faced struggles with Thai fishermen and local communities, as the sudden rise in power of the certifying organisation endangered their livelihoods.

Naturland organic shrimp farming Vietnam

contributor/ January 20, 2016/ Projects/ 0 comments

SurveyNaturland Organic Shrimp in Vietnam Naturland organic shrimp farming in Vietnam provides organic shrimp for the Swiss market, in an attempt to improve the conditions of mangrove forests.