Tag Archives: food safety

Market Access is Not Easy: the case of Dendrobium devonianum Paxt in Longling

contributor/ July 18, 2016/ Blog/ 0 comments

Posted on behalf of Yingbin Guo, Master’s Student, Yunnan University I always thought that the market was there and any product could be sold freely but the case of Dendrobium devonianum Paxt in Longling has changed my opinion. Dendrobium is a medical and edible, dual purpose plant, which is said to nourish lungs and stomachs, clear heat and promote fluid, moistening lungs

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Q-GAP Thailand

contributor/ January 20, 2016/ Projects/ 0 comments

SurveyQ-GAP Thailand Q-GAP in Thailand emphasizes how local buyers and international buyers differ in their perspective on safe and quality foods. Pummelo farmers express their need for safety and health regulations.