Peter Vandergeest
Visit Dr. Vandergeest’s web site
Vandergeest, P., and L. Schoenberger. 2018. Decentering the Land Grab: Southeast Asia Perspectives on Agrarian-Environmental Transformations. Routledge. (Chapters were originally published as a special issue in The Journal of Peasant Studies).
Schoenberger, L., D. Hall, and P. Vandergeest. 2017. Introduction: What Happened When the Land Grab Came to Southeast Asia? Journal of Peasant Studies 44(4):697-725.
Vandergeest, P., Tran, O. and Marschke, M., 2017. Modern day slavery in Thai fisheries: academic critique, practical action. Critical Asian Studies 49(3):461-464.
Vandergeest, P., and R. Roth. 2016. “A Southeast Asian Political Ecology.” Pages 82-98 (Chapter 6) in P. Hirsch (editor), Routledge Handbook of the Environment in Southeast Asia. New York: Routledge (published September)
Vandergeest, P. 2016. “Transnational Sustainability Certification as a New Extraterritoriality? Chapter 16 in C. Antons (editor), Routledge Handbook of Asian Law. Pages 271-288. New York: Routledge.
Vandergeest, P., Ponte, S. and Bush, S., 2015. Assembling sustainable territories: space, subjects, objects, and expertise in seafood certification. Environment and Planning A, 47(9), pp.1907-1925 (September).
Vandergeest, P. and A. Unno (2012). A New Extraterritoriality? Aquaculture Certification, Sovereignty, and Empire. Political Geography 31(6): 358-367.
Melissa Marschke
Visit Dr. Marschke’s web site
Marschke, M., Kehoe, C. and Vandergeest, P., 2018. Migrant worker experiences in Atlantic Canadian fish processing plants. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien. Published online 25 April 2018.
Marschke, M. and P. Vandergeest (2016). Slavery scandals: Unpacking labour challenges and policy responses within the off-shore fisheries sector. Marine Policy 68: 39–46.
Marschke, M., (2012). Life, Fish and Mangroves: Resource Governance in Coastal Cambodia. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Armitage, D. and M. Marschke (2013). Assessing the Future of Small-scale Fishery Systems in Coastal Vietnam and the Implications for Policy.Environmental Science and Policy 27: 184-194.
Marschke, M., and K. Nong (2003). Adaptive Co-management: Lessons from Coastal Cambodia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études du développement 24(3): 369-383.
Marschke, M. and F. Berkes (2006). Exploring Strategies that Build Livelihood Resilience: A Case from Cambodia. Ecology and Society 11(1): 42.
Robin Roth
Visit Dr. Roth’s web site
Roth, R. J. and W. Dressler (2012). Market-oriented Conservation Governance: The Particularities of Place. Geoforum 43(3): 363-366.
Simon Bush
Visit Dr. Bush’s web site
Belton, B., Bush, S.R., Little, D.C. (2017). Not just for the wealthy: Rethinking farmed fish consumption in the Global South. Global Food Security.
Yeeting, A. D., Weikard, H., Bailey, M., Ram-Bidesi, V., Bush, S.R. (2017). Stabilising cooperation through pragmatic tolerance: the case of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) tuna fishery. Regional Environmental Change. 1-13.
Anh, P.T., S.R. Bush, A.P.J. Mol and C. Kroozo (2011). The Multi-level Environmental Governance of Vietnamese Aquaculture: Global Certification, National Standards, Local Cooperatives. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 13(4): 373-397.
Bush, S.R. (2008). Contextualising Fisheries Policy in the Lower Mekong Basin. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 39(3): 329-353.
Bush, S.R., N.T. Khiem and L.X. Sinh (2009). Governing the Environmental and Social Dimensions of Pangasius Production in Vietnam: A Review. Aquaculture Economics and Management 13(4): 271-293.
Bush, S.R., P.A.M. van Zwieten, L. Visser, H. Van Dijk, R. Bosma, W.F. De Boer and M. Verdegem, (2010). Scenarios for Resilient Shrimp Aquaculture in Tropical Coastal Areas. Ecology and Society 15(2): 15-32.
Ha, T.T.T. and S.R. Bush (2010). Transformations in Vietnamese Shrimp Aquaculture Policy: Evidence from the Mekong Delta. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 28(6): 1101-1119.
Ha, T.T.T., S.R. Bush, A.P.J. Mol and H. Van Dijk (2012). Organic Coasts? Regulatory Challenges of Certifying Integrated Shrimp-Mangrove Production Systems in Vietnam. The Journal of Rural Studies 28(2): 631-639.
Loc, V.T.T., S.R. Bush, L.X. Sinh and N.T. Khiem (2010). High and Low Value Fish Chains in the Mekong Delta: Challenges for Livelihoods and Governance. Environment, Development and Sustainability 12(6): 889-908.
Keith Barney
Barney, K. (2009). Laos and the Making of a ‘Relational’ Resource Frontier. The Geographical Journal 175(2): 146-159.
Barney, K. (2014). Ecological Knowledge and the Making of Plantation Concession Territories in Southern Laos. Conservation and Society.
Xing Lyu
Visit Dr. Lyu’s web site
Lyu, X. and J. He (eds.) (2008). Payment for Environment Services: China’s Experiences of Rewarding Upland Poor. Kunming: Yunnan University Press.
Derek Hall
Visit Dr. Hall’s web site
Hall, D. (2011). Land Grabs, Land Control and Southeast Asian Crop Booms. Journal of Peasant Studies 38(4), 837-857.
Chusak Wittayapak
Wittayapak, C. and Baird, I. G. (2017) Communal land titling dilemmas in northern Thailand: From community forestry to beneficial yet risky and uncertain options. Land Use Policy. 71. pp 320-328.
2012, “Who Are the Farmers: Livelihood Trajectories in a Northern Thai Village” in Jonathan Rigg and Peter Vadergeest (eds.) Revisiting Rural Places: Pathways to Poverty and Prosperity in Southeast Asia. Singapore: National University of Singapore Press. Pp. 261-283.
2010, The Politics of Decentralization: Natural Resource Management in Asia. With Peter Vandergeest (eds.) Chiang Mai: Mekong Press.
2009, “Spatial Integration and Human Transformations in the Greater Mekong Subregion”, with Jonathan Rigg in Yukon Huang and Alessandro Magnoli Bocci (eds.) Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. pp.79-99.
2008, “History and Geography of Identifications Related to Resource Conflicts and Ethnic Violence in Northern Thailand” Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 49(1): 111-127.
2003, “Flexible Networking in Research Capacity Building at the National University of Laos: Lessons for North-South Collaboration” with Peter Vandergeest, Khamla Phanvilay, Yayoi Fujita, Jefferson Fox, Philip Hirsch, Penny Van Esterisk, and Stephen Tyler. Canadian Journal of Development Studies. 42(1): 119-135.
2002, “Community as a Political Space for Struggles over Access to Natural Resources and Cultural Meaning” in Philip Dearden (ed.) Environmental Protection and Rural Development in Thailand: Challenge and Opportunities. Bangkok: White Lotus Press. Pp.275-297.
1999, “Decision-Making Arrangement in Community-Based Watershed Management in Northern Thailand”. (with Philip Dearden) Society and Natural Resources. 12:673-691.
NDEG Collaborations
Kehoe, C., M. Marschke, W. Uttamamunee, J. Kittitornkool and P. Vandergeest (2016). Developing Local Sustainable Seafood Markets: A Thai example. World Food Policy 2(2)/ 3(1), pp. 32-50.